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10 Benefits of Blog Content Writing


Learn the Benefits of SEO Blog Content Writing

Creating fresh, high-quality, and frequent blog posts is critical for the online growth of your business. But first, you need SEO content writing. What is this?! Learn the 10 benefits of blog content writing today! Not only are blogs a great way to show off your skills and expertise, distinguish your services, and educate your clientele, but blog posts also increase traffic to your website. Discover the benefits of working with an SEO content writer.

10 benefits of seo blog writing

SEO Content Writing

Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, help your ideal customers find you on the first page of Google searches. Take advantage of this innovative strategy that your competition might not be exhausting. Learn all about SEO content writing!

10 Benefits of Blog Content Writing

1. Rank higher on Google

Receive a steady flow of customers from organic traffic. An SEO content writer will use SEO strategies aimed at generating organic traffic. Reach your target audience by providing value to them in the form of blogs. Be sure your business ranks on the first page of Google with SEO content writing.

2. Establish Credibility

Online marketing is your opportunity to position your business as an industry leader. Develop a brand by showing off your expertise and industry knowledge in high-quality blog posts. A blog content writer will boost your online presence and market share by promoting your expertise, and services.

3. Generate Warm Leads

seo blog content writer

Wouldnt it be nice to get warm leads on a daily basis? That is the power of frequent blog posts. Rest assured that once a blog content writer builds an SEO content marketing strategy, an influx of calls will start to pour in. Imagine having to hire more staff to handle more customers. That’s one of the many benefits of effective website content writing!

4. Boost Social Media Presence

Today, it’s all about social media. Google’s algorithms determine your overall rank in Search Engine Results Pages (SERP), based on several factors. One of them being your social media activity. Publish fresh, high-quality blogs to your website, then share the news on Instagram, Facebook, and wherever else your ideal customer is hanging out.

5. Outperform the Competition

keyword competition - digital marketing strategy

Develop a content strategy based on what your competition isn’t doing. Is your competition publishing blog posts on a weekly basis? Probably not. Take advantage of the upper hand by starting to publish frequent, high-quality blog posts. Above all, make your site appear before your competition in SERPs with SEO content writing.

6. Save Yourself Time

There are not a lot of business owners that have time to blog. It’s a lot of work to research, write and SEO optimize every post. Save yourself time and money with effective website content writing to rank quicker and faster in search results. An SEO content writer knows all the tricks and respects Google’s algorithms. Stay away from making the mistake of keyword stuffing by hiring a professional for writing content.

7. Modern Marketing Strategy

Today, your business has a luxury that your ancestors did not have. That is the power of having a blogging platform. A content marketing strategy involves link building, writing meta descriptions, and other SEO techniques to boost search volume. Your ancestors, wouldn’t even know what all this means! That’s because there was no Google 30-40 years ago. Thankfully, Google is here and it’s here to stay! Benefiting from appearing on the first page of Google. Do it for all the entrepreneurs who came before us, that never had the chance!

8. Sales That Never Stops

A piece of content never sleeps! SEO Copywriting is the perfect business tool. The website never sleeps, doesn’t ask for vacation, and always works overtime. Is SEO not your favourite customer service tool? In blog posts, create a section dedicated to FAQs. Create blogs about your services. This way, your website is selling for you, even when you’re working with other customers! Aim to be more helpful to the clients you want to serve, while implementing efficient business practices.

9. Communicate with Google


Posting regular website content gives Google a reason to search your site. Businesses want Google interested in their website, as if Google likes their website, of course, it will rank higher in SERP. A blog content writer will create a content marketing strategy and editorial calendar. Weekly, a blog post can be published. The more blog posts published, the more keywords your website is ranking for. The more keywords you’re recognized for, the more clients you’ll gain!

10. Develop Organic Traffic

Which business doesn’t want a steady flow of free leads? It’s every business owner’s dream to check your inbox and see contact forms from clients waiting to be called. Or, when your phone starts ringing consistently, despite having turned off your Google Pay Per Click Campaign (PPC). These are signs of quality organic traffic. Develop a reputation for yourself with the more organic traffic you have. I suggest building a minimum of 25-50 articles before seeing organic traffic build. 

SEO Content Writer

Work with a professional SEO Content Writer to grow your business. Contact Kathleen today, or automatically book a free consultation to learn about how SEO can generate more leads, more business and more revenue! Are you looking to generate leads through Facebook advertising? You can be empowered to become your own social media manager with this informative online course!