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What is the importance of SEO?


Let’s explore how you can grow your online presence! If you ever wanted to start a business, this will give you insight into how you get clients. And, if you do have a business, this will help ensure more traffic is driven to your website. If your website is not Search Engine Optimized (SEO), then your website is stuck in internet limbo. You could be on the 100th page of google, and who the heck is going to find you there? Don’t you want to be on the third, second, or even first page of google? So, what is the importance of SEO? SEO will increase revenue for your business. If no one can find your business, what is the point of being in business? I’ve been doing SEO for over a year now. I have a skill in writing. During my master’s degree, professors recommended that I pursue a Ph.D. because my writing is that good. Instead, I became an entrepreneur and author. I know that my gift is writing, and helping other businesses grow. In this VLOG and Podcast, I will answer “What is SEO?” and “How to Write SEO Friendly Blog posts?”

What is the importance of SEO? 5 Tips for Writing SEO Friendly Blog Posts

Importance of SEO

I’ve been writing Search engine optimized content for my husband’s appliance repair business, Doctor Appliance, as well as my dad’s plumbing business, Plumber on the Phone. I created these businesses using SEO. Now, these service-based businesses receive calls, emails because the content is ranking high on google. So, today I’m sharing my tips about the importance of SEO. As well, I will answer What is SEO? And I will talk about how to do SEO for your website by providing details of how to write SEO friendly blog posts.

What is SEO?


SEO stands for search engine optimization.  It is a process of writing high-quality content on your website so that it ranks organically on google. By using a specific keyword list, you can write content that aligns with what people are searching for on google. For example, if someone goes to google and types in, “What is the best fuel-efficient car to buy in 2020?”. If you are a car manufacturer or a dealership, your blogs better have a title with “best fuel-efficient car to buy in 2020” to rank on google. Or in my husband’s case, he fixes appliances. So, a lot of people, when their fridge breaks down, they go to google and type, “Samsung fridge broken”. Because I wrote good quality search engine optimized content about broken fridges, his company ranks higher than someone who didn’t write about broken fridges on their website.

Keyword Research

The fundamentals of good SEO are finding the right keywords that people are actually using to type in google. If you aren’t sure about what your businesses’ core keywords are, I can help with that. This is a service I provide thanks to the experience and specific keyword tools that I use. Before you want to start writing content that is SEO, you need a good keyword list. You also need to know which keywords are competitive. For example “Samsung fridge broken” is highly competitive. However, because I publish weekly blog posts, for the last year, doctor appliance ranks higher on google, than say a website that doesn’t do regular blog posts. So, at first, it’s best to write blogs for less competitive keywords, then work your way up because the website will have been talking to google more often. Google has crawlers that crawl the internet looking for keywords. The more you talk to google, the more it likes your website. You need to give google love, by feeding it with consistent blog posts that are keyword heavy.

 How to write SEO-friendly blog posts?


Here are 5 tips for how to write SEO-friendly blog posts!

As mentioned above, get a solid keyword list going. If you don’t already have one, I can help you. Put your mind in the position of your target audience. If you were your ideal client, what would you search for in google? But, you need to go with what the data says. You might think people are searching one way, then the data shows that actually only 5 people in the US or Canada actually searched for that. So, let the data speak louder than your own thoughts. Especially as business owners, we get married to one concept, when really it’s a whole different thing. SO, let the keywords guide you in the right direction.

Write For Your Audience

Write for your audience! What does this mean?  While SEO is about communicating with google, the importance of SEO is also to speak to humans. Don’t forget that. Using the keyword research you’ve compiled, base your content around what people are searching for.  Answer their questions with your blog posts to be relevant to both your ideal client and Google.

Provide Value to Create Search Engine Friendly Posts

Another client of mine helps police officers transition to public sector jobs. So, in this case, police officers are searching for, “how to leave the police force”, “what transferable skills do police officers have”. So I build blogs for him, answering these questions. We’re providing value to his audience while making google happy. You assert yourself as an expert in the industry through good blog posts. For example, for Doctor Appliance, we don’t actually write how to fix the fridge, but we write about common fridge issues. That way, Google sees that we know what we’re talking about because we go in-depth about fridges and common appliance issues.

Add Keywords Into Your Titles for SEO Optimization

Write good titles that have keywords in them. I’m a freelancer on Fiverr, a platform where businesses can hire talent from everywhere in the world. For my book, I hired my editor on Fiverr, she was from the US, and my book designer was from India. Anyways, one client ordered me to write articles about co-working spaces and gave me the specific title and keywords he wanted. Yet, the keywords he wanted to rank for were not in the title. So, he was actually shooting himself in the foot. Your keywords need to be in the title. And they need to be catchy enough for someone to open them. So, tips for good titles are to use numbers, include the word guide, solve a problem, answer a question, use FOMO, offer help, or make a prediction. Depending on what you’re writing about, use one tip from the many tips outlined.

SEO Structured Posts

seo content writer kathleen parisien

So, I’ve mentioned that the main keyword you want to rank for needs to be in the title. You can also rank for other keywords throughout the text. But, make sure those keywords are in the H2 or H3 elements of your blog post. Don’t just include random headings, but headings with purpose
Add SEO pictures. From the moment you save a picture to your computer, it must be saved with that specific keyword. Then, when you upload it to your blog, make sure you’re adding the keyword in the alt text section. This is also communicating with google.
What is the importance of SEO?

Do You Want FREE Organic Traffic?

The importance of SEO is to increase organic, aka free traffic to your website. If you’re in business or want to be in business, you want clients! You can’t just depend on your own network when you can use the entire world wide web. Especially if your services are virtual, do not set yourself back by not writing SEO content.

WHY are you in Business?

I love writing, but I love writing with a purpose even more. SEO is all about having a good strategy and purpose. What is your purpose for being in business? Most business owners want to help others. Use SEO as a strategy to reach more people to offer your goods and services too. Are you still not sure what is the importance of SEO? Get in touch with me!

Contact Me

kathleen parisien seo blog content writer

I am currently accepting clients to work with. The best SEO strategy is one that is consistent. So writing blog posts weekly, because that’s what will pay off. If you’re just writing one blog post a month, it’s not as worth it, as doing it more consistently. If you already have a website and aren’t sure if it’s SEO optimized, reach out to me. It could be a quick fix to increase more traffic to your website.

Want to know more about writing SEO-friendly blog posts? Or, the differences between PPC vs SEO, which is better?  Feel free to get in touch with me. Book a free 30-minute consultation at a time most convenient to you. 

Always Original SEO Content

If you have any friends with businesses, that need to hear this podcast, please share it with them. I won’t always be taking clients so this is a limited-time offer. Once I hit my maximum, I won’t be able to help out. There are other people doing SEO of course, but be sure to find a native English speaker. Hiring just anyone can result in plagiarism. Because I spent 6 years in academia, I know the risks of plagiarizing. I always write fresh, unique content that Google loves. I treat my client’s businesses as if they were my own because I care about your business growth and overall success. Remember, I want you to shine your light. And through business, you can make the world a better place. You can help others with the skills and strengths you have!


Repost from Citizen of the World, Kathleen Parisien